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Mai 2022

21. Mai, 2022
Therapy Center Borschkegasse Borschkegasse 15/15
Vienna, 1090

Zur ISST-Zertifizierung sind 20 (standard) bzw. 40 (advanced) Einzelsupervisionsäquivalente notwendig. Die Berechnungsgrundlage ist: Zu der aktiv gearbeiteten Zeit wird 20% der Zuhörzeit addiert. Die Supervisionstage finden in Gruppen von max. 6 Teilnehmenden statt. Neben der eigenen aktiven Supervisionszeit besteht Raum für kleine Demonstrationen (micro-teaching). Durch das gemeinsame Betrachten der Videos entsteht eine gute Lernatmosphäre und eine hohe Gruppenkohäsion. Die Investition pro Teilnehmenden ist 180,-€  für 8 UE und es können 2 SV-Einzelstundenäquivalente angerechnet werden.   Es gilt die 2G Regel!…

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June 2022

24. Juni, 2022 - 25. Juni, 2022
online Webinar

WS 1: Introduction to Schema Therapy for Children, Adolescents and Parents In the introductory workshop, the developmental model and the maintenance of maladaptive schemas are explained against the background of age-specific developmental tasks, risk, protective and temperamental factors. In relation to childhood, the 18 schemas described by Young and typical child and adolescent coping strategies are presented. Further contents are techniques of multimodal diagnostics (use of exploration, questionnaire, imagination techniques, case conceptualization) and explanations of the importance of the therapeutic relationship, psychoeducation and empathic confrontation. Overview therapeutic strategies are demonstrated: Working...

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24. Juni, 2022 - 25. Juni, 2022
Albert Schweitzer House Schwarzspanierstrasse 13
Vienna, 1090

In therapy, patients learn to recognize the modes and resolve conflicts through inner dialogues from the perspective of the "healthy adult." A central technique for this is dialogues on several chairs, borrowed from Gestalt therapy. In this process, the therapist takes on an actively facilitating role in the sense of "limited parental care".

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September 2022

2. September, 2022 - 3. September, 2022
online Webinar

WS 2: Schema therapy in childhood and adolescence The aim of this workshop is to learn the techniques of schema therapy with children, adolescents and parents (part 1) in a concrete way. After a short connection to the schema theoretical introduction and the exchange of first experiences in practice (WS 1), the focus will be on the specifics of shaping relationships with the balance of appreciative "limited reparenting" and empathic confrontation as well as practical work with the special schema therapeutic techniques. The mode work related to parents with...

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2. September, 2022 - 3. September, 2022
Albert Schweitzer House Schwarzspanierstrasse 13
Vienna, 1090

The schema therapy case conception is a central element of the schema therapy process. It is created together with the patient at the beginning of the therapy from the anamnestic data and, if necessary, the questionnaire results. On the one hand, this consolidates the working relationship and allows important information to be communicated to the patients. On the other hand, in the further course of therapy, the case concept serves as a common point of reference to which both can refer in schema activation situations and thereby achieve clarification of the process. Important aspects for the design of the whole therapy as well as individual lessons are conveyed....

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23. September, 2022 - 24. September, 2022
online Webinar

WS 3: Schema Coaching with Parents The workshop builds on WS 1 and WS 2. The goal of this workshop is to concretely learn the techniques of schema therapy with children and adolescents. After a short connection to the schema-theoretical introduction and the exchange of first experiences in practice (WS 1 and WS 2), the particularities of the relationship with the balance of appreciative "limited reparenting" and empathic confrontation as well as the practical work with the special schema-therapeutic techniques in...

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November 2022

4. November, 2022 - 5. November, 2022
online Webinar

The workshop builds on workshops 1, 2 and 3 of the 4-part Children's Curriculum. The aim of this workshop is to get to know further methods in ST-KJ, to try them out and to apply the procedures as a whole to your own cases.

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January 2023

January 20, 2023 - January 21, 2023
Albert Schweitzer House Schwarzspanierstrasse 13
Vienna, 1090

This workshop will provide an introduction to the schema and mode model, specific relationship design ("limited parental care"), and experiential activation techniques (imagination and chair dialogues).

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March 2023

March 3, 2023 - March 4, 2023
Room9 Alser street 26
Vienna, 1090 Austria

  Different treatment methods have been developed for the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and complex trauma sequelae, which differ, among other things, in the treatment focus (primarily exposure vs. restructuring/overwriting). The integrative schematherapeutic treatment approach conveyed here in a practice-oriented manner includes several imagination sessions in the "trauma-specific" treatment phase, which deviate from the "classical" schematherapeutic imagination. The advantage of this integrative schema-therapeutic treatment approach lies above all in the combination of an exposure phase with two longer modification phases, in which patients can use the therapist's model to disempower and disidentify perpetrator introspections and functional...

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March 10, 2023 - March 11, 2023
Albert Schweitzer House Schwarzspanierstrasse 13
Vienna, 1090

In this workshop, schema activation through imagining, cognitive reappraisal using the schema mode memo, and in the design of behavioral experiments through diaries will be learned and practiced in small groups.

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April 2023

April 21, 2023 - April 22, 2023
Albert Schweitzer House Schwarzspanierstrasse 13
Vienna, 1090

In therapy, patients learn to recognize the modes and resolve conflicts through inner dialogues from the perspective of the "healthy adult." A central technique for this is dialogues on several chairs, borrowed from Gestalt therapy. In this process, the therapist takes on an actively facilitating role in the sense of "limited parental care".

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June 2023

June 16, 2023 - June 17, 2023
Albert Schweitzer House Schwarzspanierstrasse 13
Vienna, 1090

The schema therapy case conception is a central element of the schema therapy process. It is created together with the patient at the beginning of the therapy from the anamnestic data and, if necessary, the questionnaire results. On the one hand, this consolidates the working relationship and allows important information to be communicated to the patients. On the other hand, in the further course of therapy, the case concept serves as a common point of reference to which both can refer in schema activation situations and thereby achieve clarification of the process. Important aspects for the design of the whole therapy as well as individual lessons are conveyed....

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September 2023

8. September, 2023 - 9. September, 2023
Albert Schweitzer House Schwarzspanierstrasse 13
Vienna, 1090

This workshop will provide an introduction to the schema and mode model, specific relationship design ("limited parental care"), and experiential activation techniques (imagination and chair dialogues).

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November 2023

10. November, 2023 - 11. November, 2023
Markhof – Das Dorf in der Stadt Markhofgasse 19
Wien, 1030 Österreich

In this workshop, schema activation through imagining, cognitive reappraisal using the schema mode memo, and in the design of behavioral experiments through diaries will be learned and practiced in small groups.

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Dezember 2023

15. Dezember, 2023 - 16. Dezember, 2023

  The founder of schema therapy, J. Young, originally developed the mode model for the challenging work with clients with borderline and narcissistic personality disorder. The focus of this in-depth workshop is to provide an understanding of the occurrence and development of typical schemas, modes and coping strategies in these clients. In this way, the difficult behaviors and interactional problems of the clients - which also occur regularly during therapy - can be conceptualized in the mode model and further therapeutic action strategies can be derived. When working with these clients...

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Januar 2024

1. Januar - 2. Januar

Weekend Seminar Block 1 and 2 Day 2 and 3 - BLOCK II: Basic Interventions - Positive Schemas and Cognitive Techniques of Schema Manipulation Contents: Levels of intervention in schema therapy and schema-focused coaching Limits of schema-focused coaching - Alternative to post-relief - Special techniques for targeted activation of positive schemas in coaching Methodological tools Promoting mindfulness and acceptance of the client Cognitive restructuring Methods of emotion activation Language guidance Effect and installation of anchors Systematically building translation of updates into everyday life - BEATE patterns...

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3. Januar - 5. Januar

BLOCK III: Complex Interventions - Coping Modes - "Inner Family" - Integration What is SchemaCoaching? SchemaCoaching is a specific form of counseling and coaching that transfers the scientifically proven findings of schema therapy to coaching, mediation, counseling and solution-oriented short-term therapies. SchemaCoaching is therefore especially interesting for non-therapists such as coaches to also offer their clients counseling with the benefits of schema work! Who is this curriculum aimed at? This training is mainly aimed at coaches and counselors in general, life...

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19. Januar - 20. Januar
Albert Schweitzer House Schwarzspanierstrasse 13
Vienna, 1090

In therapy, patients learn to recognize the modes and resolve conflicts through inner dialogues from the perspective of the "healthy adult." A central technique for this is dialogues on several chairs, borrowed from Gestalt therapy. In this process, the therapist takes on an actively facilitating role in the sense of "limited parental care".

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März 2024

1. März - 2. März
Therapy Center Borschkegasse Borschkegasse 15/15
Vienna, 1090

  Ein Schwerpunkt dieses Workshops liegt auf der Vertiefung der Arbeit in der therapeutischen Beziehung. Sie erfahren mehr über den Einsatz der empathischen Konfrontation, einer angemessenen Selbstoffenbarung oder über das angemessene Begrenzen von Patienten. Sie lernen, mit Schwierigkeiten in der Behandlung umzugehen, die aus der Aktivierung eigener Schemata resultieren. Ziel ist es, eigene Schemata zu erkennen und zu berücksichtigen, wenn sie in der Therapiesitzung getriggert werden. Weiterhin konzentriert sich der Workshop auf den Umgang mit schwierigen Therapiesituationen, z. B. wenn Patient(inn)en wegen eines…

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8. März - 9. März
Albert Schweitzer House Schwarzspanierstrasse 13
Vienna, 1090

The schema therapy case conception is a central element of the schema therapy process. It is created together with the patient at the beginning of the therapy from the anamnestic data and, if necessary, the questionnaire results. On the one hand, this consolidates the working relationship and allows important information to be communicated to the patients. On the other hand, in the further course of therapy, the case concept serves as a common point of reference to which both can refer in schema activation situations and thereby achieve clarification of the process. Important aspects for the design of the whole therapy as well as individual lessons are conveyed....

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