Vergangene Veranstaltungen › schemaberatung
January 2022
Coaching Skills for Schema Therapists Introductory Workshop This workshop is about the tension between therapy and coaching - when can a client benefit from coaching, what do I have to consider as a therapist and of course: Do I want to actively offer coaching as a therapist and what kind of tools do I need? For this purpose I will present the basics of coaching as a systemic acad. coach, introduce the different approaches and of course practical exercises will not be neglected! After this workshop you will...
Learn more "Januar 2024
Weekend Seminar Block 1 and 2 Day 2 and 3 - BLOCK II: Basic Interventions - Positive Schemas and Cognitive Techniques of Schema Manipulation Contents: Levels of intervention in schema therapy and schema-focused coaching Limits of schema-focused coaching - Alternative to post-relief - Special techniques for targeted activation of positive schemas in coaching Methodological tools Promoting mindfulness and acceptance of the client Cognitive restructuring Methods of emotion activation Language guidance Effect and installation of anchors Systematically building translation of updates into everyday life - BEATE patterns...
Learn more "BLOCK III: Complex Interventions - Coping Modes - "Inner Family" - Integration What is SchemaCoaching? SchemaCoaching is a specific form of counseling and coaching that transfers the scientifically proven findings of schema therapy to coaching, mediation, counseling and solution-oriented short-term therapies. SchemaCoaching is therefore especially interesting for non-therapists such as coaches to also offer their clients counseling with the benefits of schema work! Who is this curriculum aimed at? This training is mainly aimed at coaches and counselors in general, life...
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