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14. ISST Curriculum Schematherapie Basiscurriculum ST4: Fallkonzeption, Therapieplanung, Therapeutische Beziehung (14 UE)

4. April, 2025 - 5. April, 2025
Blackspanierstrasse 13
Vienna, 1090

The schema therapy case conception is a central element of the schema therapy process. It is created together with the patient at the beginning of the therapy from the anamnestic data and, if necessary, the questionnaire results. On the one hand, this consolidates the working relationship and allows important information to be communicated to the patients. On the other hand, in the further course of therapy, the case concept serves as a common point of reference to which both can refer in schema activation situations and thereby achieve clarification of the process. Important aspects for the design of the whole therapy as well as individual lessons are taught. On the second day, the handling of avoidant-distanced and overcompensating patients is practiced in small groups.



Den TeilnehmerInnen werden laut Psychologengesetz 2013 insgesamt 4 x 14 EH (insgesamt 56 EH)  Fortbildungseinheiten anerkannt!

Raffaella Calzoni


1. Tag: 4. April, 2025
2. Tag: 5. April, 2025


Address: Schwarzspanierstraße 13
Vienna, 1090

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Lecturer(s): Raffaella Calzoni

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Datum und Uhrzeit 4. April 16:00 bis 20:30; 5. April 9:00 bis 17:30